Nov 24, 2016


What a beautiful November we have here . Today it was foggy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon, a perfect day to spend out . I'm in country-side now, where i will spend a part of my vacation .
I really wanted to show you this beautiful candle i ordered last week and i got yesterday after 2 failed attempts of the delivery company that mixed up my address  😁
 Hello !
Ce luna de Noiembrie frumoasa avem aici ! Astazi a fost ceata dimineata si un soare foarte stralucitor dupa masa , o zi perfecta de petrecut in aer liber. Sunt la tara acum , si imi voi petrece aici o parte din concediu. 
Imi doream foarte tare sa va arat aceasta frumoasa lumanare parfumata pe care am comandat-o saptamana trecuta si a ajuns la mine ieri dupa 2 incercari nereusite ale celor de la curierat care mi-au scris gresit adresa 😁

It is from Bohemia Gifts &Cosmetics a Czech brand, it has a sweet perfume of almond , burnt sugar and vanilla ; and it is huge it weights 510g, and you can find it here.
Este de la  Bohemia Gifts &Cosmetics un brand din Cehia  , are un parfum dulce de migdala , zahar ars si vanilie ; si este  uriasa cantareste  510g si o puteti gasi aici.

Pupici ! 💛

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